We got back from California very early Sunday morning, 1 a.m. Fortunately Camrie & I got to sleep in. John wasn't so lucky since he had to preach this morning.
We had a great time enjoying the cool weather of California. On Saturday, we drove on the 101 from Oceanside to Pacific beach. We decided to go that route since I-5 was backed up cause of rush hour. It turned into a fun adventure. It goes along the coast so there was lots of great scenery.

Today, John, Trevor & I saw Dark Knight. I have a trait that I'll have to blame on genetics, I sometimes fall asleep in movies. Today was not an exception - I think I missed 30 or 40 minutes right in the middle - so I'll be renting it so I can fill in the gaps. Heath Ledger was amazing as the Joker - so sad he's gone :-(